Monday, February 4, 2008

Shopping Spree

So last night we had a fabulous dinner at the Darling Hotel (their hotel names make me laugh). We sat on the roof top terrace which had a great view and there was a really nice breeze (I even got chilly), I totally forgot were I was. After dinner I took my first shower in the hostel...the water pressure sucks and the stream of water is pretty pathetic (not to complain bc at least there is a shower head and the water is hot!). I then tired to dry my hair (in attempt to make my hair manageable in the most amazing humidity here) and I definitely made the power go off in the bathroom right before Aruna was about to step into the shower. Luckily we only had to flip the circuit breaker and it came back on. I waited until she was done to finish.

Had a great night sleep, with a little pharmaceutical help, and woke up unsure of where I was. The dorms remind me of the Russian dorm rooms I used to stay in so I was still confused until I looked over and saw Aurna in the other bed. Breakfast again at the canteen. It was pretty good. I needed a break from the masala (the spice they use) so I had toast (it comes as two pieces w/ butter and jam in btw, no other way), an omelet, and tea. The tea here it great. They make it super hot with lots of milk and sugar. In oder to cool it they give it to you in two containers and you pour it back and forth to cool it. I think it is way better than waiting for it too cool plus it cools more evenly.

At breakfast we met out classmate, Kathryn who was here last rotation, and she showed us everything we had to do to register. We had to register at the school and then go into town to the hospital to pay our fee. While we were there we met the new director of "office of development" and two other Americans who were there to help open the office. The office is to help with the student experience but also help raise support and awareness about the hospital. We watched this 10min DVD about the hospital. I really almost cried. I don't think I realized how big and important this hospital is to this area. Their goal is to be able to provide medical care for the neediest of India but they understand that in order to provide the best care they have to have money. So what they do is try to make the hospital the best it can be to bring in paying patients from all over the country and then they are able to make a profit to cover the expenses of those who can't pay. For this area it really is an advanced hospital despite the lack of commodities that we would expect in the US (ie a/c, nice rooms...) and the school is very respected around the country for their quality training of medical and nursing students. Also, the dedication of the physicians and nurse not only the people in the city but to the people in the surrounding villages that they physically go out to their villages to visit is astounding. It really made me realize what a great privilege it is to be here and to get to work with the staff here.

Moving on to something way more deep and In order to work properly you have to dress properly. So we headed down to Ghandi street to purchase some appropriate Indian attire. It was so much fun. It was funny bc all of the outfits that I liked looked like the patterns of my bedspread. We were very successful and will definitely fit in..hmmm. So when you buy the outfits a lot of the time they show the tops with no sleeves and I couldn't figure out why bc it is totally inappropriate to wear sleeveless tops here. Kathryn had to point out the extra fabric that was included with the package and told me that you have to get them sewn in. I'm still not sure I understand why they do it that way. In addition, the pants are one size fits all. Therefore, you have to have a drawstring which you also have to get that put in. So I still don't have a complete Indian outfit bc they are at the tailors. You all will have to wait for a pic of me in my Indian outfits. I know that is something that all of you are very eagerly awaiting :)

The rest of our group arrived today. In total there are now 8 of us here from San Antonio. Tonight we have an international student gathering which will be fun bc there are quite a few students rotating here from many different countries. Tomorrow I will start on OG (that is what they call OB-GYN here, which is actually much easier to say and then you don't get the confusion of how to pronounce gyn) and so I will actually have to go be a medical student again :)

Off to dinner covered in a nice layer of sweat and dust.
Nicolette :)


mdeveneau said...

I'm so pleased thing are going well. It's great to wake up and read about what is happening with you over there. Can't wait to see the pics!
Have fun!! Love, Dad

mandamichelle said...

How beautiful is that picture!! I hope this trip is so wonderful and I know you will gain so much from it!! What a blessing this trip will be for you and those involved!! You are in my thoughts and prayers! I think you "have" to write a blog, but I am really thankful you are doing this because like Dad said it is so nice to be able to stay in touch with you in a way through this!! I LOVE YOU NIKKI!!!